
The media frequently highlights the dissatisfaction of homebuyers with the quality of new-build properties.


New builds or refurbishments tend to have anywhere between 50-150 defects, according to one study. This is why many clients commission a schedule of outstanding works (snagging report).

The presence of multiple trades operating solely for profit on construction sites can compromise site practices and management, resulting in subpar quality. This issue affects both small and large developers. Even reputable developers and contractors are not immune, as human errors are bound to occur in complex and lengthy construction processes.

Contact our team to organise a snagging report if you are working on or looking to purchase a newly developed or furnished property.

Frequently asked questions

What is in a snagging report?

A thorough inspection enables a detailed written schedule outlining identified issues, necessary remediation, or further investigation. Examples of snagging defects include but are not limited to:

  • plaster cracked
  • fittings incomplete
  • floors or stairs uneven
  • windows or doors sticking
  • kitchen worktops chipped
  • taps or radiators loose
  • tiles broken or unfixed
  • lights flickering or not working

Issues identified are usually minor quality concerns, but which still require a fair amount of work. Sometimes, health and safety problems are picked up (e.g. exposed wiring). An optional return visit post-remediation ensures completion.

What is the difference between a building survey and snagging?

A Full Building Survey focuses on the most significant aspects of condition which affect the structural integrity of the property. It does not focus on snagging, which are more superficial defects.

You should at the very least organise a Full Building Survey whenever you buy a property. A snagging report is more optional, but can be very handy if you are purchasing a new build or newly refurbished property and want to make sure the developer/contractor finishes everything “as new”.

Do I really need a snagging report?

A New Homes Review reported that 9/10 buyers found snags on moving in. Not only can a snagging report flag some safety issues, but it can save you thousands of pounds and a lot of time/hassle.

Our panel of surveyors leverages their knowledge and experience against the workmanship in question by producing a Schedule of Outstanding Works (Snagging List) so that you do not have to cover the cost of repairs as per the following scenarios:

  • Pre-purchase: reviewing the quality of construction/finish before you assume ownership.
  • Ongoing Works: nipping defects in the bud during works enables you to save time and money, particularly as builders are already on site and can apply the remedies there and then prior to final completion and payment to the contractor.
  • Post-Purchase: issues are identified before the 2-year warranty expires.

Note: The Sale and Supply of Goods Act does not apply to property if you are thinking of applying for a refund from the vendor!

Does the building warranty cover snagging anyway?

Upon purchasing a new home, buyers typically receive a build warranty usually spanning 10 years. However, the coverage, which initially includes liability from the developer for the first 2 years, becomes less comprehensive over time. After the initial period, the warranty primarily provides structural coverage more as an insurance policy. Therefore, investing in a comprehensive snagging report can save you a much greater cost in rectifying such issues.