Building Surveying
Aug 29, 2024

Expert RICS Damp Surveyor: Get a Damp Survey on Your Property!

Get a professional damp survey from an expert RICS surveyor. Identify and treat damp, mould, and timber issues with ......

If you possess or oversee a property in the United Kingdom, it's vital to understand the detrimental effects that damp can inflict, as it relates to the moisture content within your home.

A person writing on a clipboardDescription automatically generated

Show an expert RICS accredited damp surveyor in a property, carefully inspecting walls, ceilings, and floors for signs of moisture with specialized equipment. from the surveyor's inspection.

Key Takeaways

  • Enlisting an RICS chartered surveyor is vital for long-term protection of property.
  • A thorough property damp survey addresses both structural and health issues.
  • Understanding the extent of daily moisture production can guide effective damp management.
  • Damp survey experts leverage specialised tools to identify and solve excess moisture issues.
  • Professional surveys can prevent the escalation of damp issues and resulting legal claims.
  • Accurate diagnosis by RICS damp surveyors or CIOB / RPSA surveyors can distinguish between occupant activities and construction issues.

What to do if my Building Survey report shows damp?

Your building surveyor may have picked up a damp wall or ceiling from your Level 3 survey, which recommends further investigation.

A timber and damp survey carried out by a damp surveyor from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) can offer assurances for the continued wellbeing of your property.

It can be tough, however, to get to the root of the problem and understand how dampness can infiltrate your property without your knowledge. Damp can take on many forms and can look very different from one example to the next.

Why do I have damp in my home?

The problems associated with dampness require pinpointing. They are most often the result of poor ventilation, leaks, or construction faults, and if left untreated, they can cause some big structural problems. 

Dampness can also lead to issues with black mould, and the rising complaints about what is causing dampness and mould suggest that these problems might be getting worse. 

When it comes to damp problems, an RICS damp surveyor is a real asset. Alternative accreditations include CIOB or RPSA, however, which are virtually just as good.

Understanding Damp and Its Common Causes: RICS Surveyors Testing for Mould and Damp

Widespread in the UK, dampness in buildings manifests in a number of ways and is drawn from several sources. For homeowners, landlords, and property care experts, understanding the cause of dampness is paramount to keeping it from becoming a problem and commissioning appropriate remedial works if it does.

An RICS damp survey done to a meticulous standard helps to pinpoint the precise sources from which damp is issuing in. The damp experts from the RICS work alongside those from Historic England (English Hertiage) and the Property Care Association (PCA) for the investigation of moisture and how it impacts historic buildings. When the damp survey is conducted, surveying tools like hygrometers are used to take moisture content readings from the walls of the spaces in which the damp is present.

Some main dampness origins are:

  • Condensation from indoor drying clothes or bad ventilation (install MEVs).
  • Penetrating damp from roof damage or cracks in masonry (external refurbishment works required).
  • Rising damp (relevant to basement or ground floor only) due to damaged damp proof courses or membranes (inject new as needed).

Old buildings often suffer from damp. They don't have the insulation modern buildings do and this makes them prone to condensation and damp. Shockingly, between 962,000 and 6.5 million homes in England might deal with damp and mould issues.

The impact on health is substantial. Damp and mould can harm the airways and lungs, which can cause serious health problems. The sad story of Awaab Ishak is an example of this: he died from a lung infection caused by damp and mould in his flat. So, tackling damp is a priority for both building upkeep and health and safety.

Landlords and property managers must follow UK building regulations to fight damp. The Housing Act 2004 and Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 are two pieces of legislation that exist to keep properties in good condition to prevent damp issues, meaning regular checks and taking action early.

Dealing with damp can be inconvenient and expensive but it’s more problematic if not dealt with at all. Using regular RICS damp surveys and following the latest advice from your damp surveyor together with housing and health experts can create damp-free homes, essential for everyone's well-being.

Damp Meter Checks and Managing Condensation Issues in Buildings Materials

Condensation is a form of damp and occurs when moisture from daily activities meets cold surfaces, creating dampness inside the building. 

For example, wet clothes being left to dry on the radiator or steam from cooking all produce water vapour, which can lead to condensation and therefore damp and mould. 

So, use and occupation relate to a number of factors, which also concerns how many people are in occupation of the dwelling as well as the way people live.

Managing condensation by improving airflow and maintaining a reasonable temperature inside the property (not too hot or cold) can limit moisture build-up.

Condensation and Building Fabric

Condensation forms when warm, moist air hits colder surfaces, turning into water droplets. If we don't manage this every day occurrence, properties can suffer from dampness, which means damage to the decorative finishes, timber rot, etc. 

Using tools like moisture meters and checking humidity can help find and fix these issues before they become severe.

Strategies for Keeping Buildings Above the Thermal Dew Point

Keep buildings warm and insulated but ensure there is sufficient ventilation to fight condensation. 

The warmth of the property will limit surface condensation from water vapour, but this will prove insufficient if there is a lack of ventilation. 

Ventilation Solutions: Mechanical Extraction Ventilation (MEV)

Opening windows regularly or keeping trickle vents working to let fresh air in will help release any humid and stuffy air inside the building, but this may also lead to thermal inefficiency if you need to keep turning the heating up.

Mechanical Extraction Ventilation (MEV) systems are very good for bathrooms and kitchens to capture any water vapour and shuttle it out of the house. These are essentially fans which pull air through the duct.

In the bathroom, you should have these linked to the lighting so that they turn on when you turn the light on.

In the kitchen, you should have an extractor hood above the stove which you manually activate whenever you are cooking.

The Impact of Daily Activities on Internal Humidity

Everyday chores, like cooking and washing, increase the moisture output inside the property. Using fans and dehumidifiers to air out your home regularly can help keep the air fresh and low in humidity.

Handling building condensation means constantly observing moisture levels on a regular basis to improve air quality and protect buildings from dampness.

Combating Faulty Rainwater Goods and Drainage Problems

Address faulty rainwater goods and drainage problems if you want to combat dampness. 

A building's drainage system directly impacts how much moisture is within its walls. Proper maintenance of rainwater goods (gutters, for example) keeps water from getting into the system and, therefore, the building. Rainwater goods and drainage systems are, essentially, systems for controlling water impacting the property.

Mains water pipes may also require a CCTV inspection to make sure any cause of the dampness does not relate to a broken water pipe.

Blocked or Damaged Gutters & Downpipes

Over 80% of damage to building materials comes from water exposure. Blocked gutters and flawed rainwater goods are common culprits (incl. construction or design faults). So, regular maintenance checks should be carried out, usually bi-annually.

Inadequate Drainage

Any areas prone to flooding need to have surface drains installed.

Sometimes, the ground levels surrounding a property are too high and moisture from the earth contacts the masonry, resulting in dampness. So, you have to cut back the earth.

Damp Symptoms & Remedies 

Signs of damp include musty smells, flaky paint, and mould. These signs indicate the need for quick fixes in rainwater systems, such as the following:

  • Regularly clean gutters and downpipes to avoid blockages.
  • Fix or replace broken parts for improved function.
  • Use guards to stop debris from blocking the system.
  • Check everything after adverse weather.
  • Keeping ground levels outside lower than the masonry

These actions help property owners lessen water damage risks. The cost of maintaining a good drainage system is low compared to fixing it after it fails. Therefore, timely investment in rainwater goods maintenance and drainage issue resolution is will promote long life and safety of the property.

Investigation of Moisture: Dealing with Leaks from Services and Penetrating Damp

It's important to deal with leaks and other kinds of damp early on either with traditional or modern methods as described below.

Types of Penetrating Damp

Lateral penetrating damp is a common problem, caused by water entering the building from any one of its sides. This issue often arises dues to faults in the outer parts of a building, such as damaged roofs or poorly built walls letting moisture in, usually by way of adverse weather.

Detecting and Rectifying Leaks

Finding leaks quickly will limit any further damage often caused by service leak problems. Specialist surveying equipment will help find leaks that are not ordinarily visible, which RICS damp surveyors will pick up on.

Maintaining Traditional Building Techniques to Prevent Damp

Using traditional construction methods can be sufficient in preventing damp. Older techniques, which let buildings 'breathe,' suit retrofit and even new build well. 

By allowing moisture to escape naturally from and within the walls, and using damp-resistant materials, buildings stand a better chance against damp. So, you should generally avoid using impermeable building materials.

Below, we compare how damp affects different types of buildings:

A white wall with black paint dripping downDescription automatically generated

A house surrounded by rainfall, with water trickling down walls and seeping through cracks. of the wall.

Appropriate Materials for Preventing Mould and Damp in Traditional Buildings

Ensuring the correct materials are chosen is fundamental to conserving traditional buildings—especially when it comes to preventing moisture damage. For older buildings, materials that allow the structure to "breathe" are essential. They help the building maintain its integrity and allow water vapor to escape. This is particularly important for buildings composed of timber, stone, and brick.

Understanding Breathability in Building Fabrics

The concept of breathability is helpful to the preservation of historical architecture. Breathable materials may absorb, but they also definitely release moisture. This means they are far less likely to develop troublesome damp problems.

In contrast, modern materials may use inappropriate building materials which tend to trap moisture, thereby creating unhealthy conditions and seriously jeopardizing the long-term integrity of the buildings.

Lime plaster and natural fibers not only safeguard the structures themselves; they also protect the health of the people who live and work in the buildings, because they improve air quality.

Building Materials: Modern Versus Traditional Construction Methods

When we pit contemporary construction against traditional building methods, we see the problems that arise in using modern, non-breathable materials. 

Buildings today often employ materials that don't allow buildings to "breathe." Synthetic plasters and sealants, for example, are moisture-proof—meaning they stop moisture from passing through in either direction.

Here's a table showing how traditional and modern materials differ in handling moisture:

To protect older buildings, understanding and choosing the right materials and methods is what RICS damp surveyors advise on with respect to the original architecture and its building techniques to prevent damp effectively while preserving the building's historical value.

The Importance of a RICS Damp Surveyor in Diagnosing Damp Issues

RICS damp surveyors are sought after because the value of a property can be greatly reduced if it becomes damp and the living conditions of the occupants affected. 

In the UK, there are thousands of homes affected by dampness. Therefore, homeowners need skilled surveyors who work to RICS, CIOB, or RPSA standards so that they can diagnose the problem accurately and propose the best route to a long-term solution.

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A RICS damp surveyor using a moisture meter to accurately diagnose damp issues in a property.

A professional RICS damp surveyor can prevent financial loss from damp, given that unresolved issues may reduce a property's value by up to 53%. This fact stresses the need for expert intervention quickly.

  • Condensation, common in cold months, must be identified and addressed promptly to avoid mould and air quality issues.
  • Rising damp or penetrating damp, often encountered in the winter or during adverse weather needs to be remedied to avoid decorative damage and timber decay
  • RICS damp surveyors use modern tools like moisture meters and thermal cameras to find hidden damp areas accurately.

Damp treatment costs range from £500 to £6,000. An RICS damp surveyor helps avoid overspending by recommending precise treatments and obtain certification to navigate legal issues in property sales concerned about damp history.

Insurance often doesn't cover damp damage. Thus, an RICS damp surveyor's detailed survey might secure coverage under specific terms, which further denotes the importance of hiring a competent surveyor in insurance negotiations.

Commissioning an RICS damp surveyor report ensures an exhaustive and correct evaluation of damp, which leads to effective management and fixes, preserving the property value and living conditions.

Measuring Humidity Accurately: Key to Effective Damp Solutions by RICS Chartered Surveyors

The initial step in overseeing damp problems involves accurate humidity measurement. This is the most important aspect of any classification process. Professionals use tools like the Vaisala Thermo-Hygrometer or a digital hygrometer to assess the humidity level of a room. They measure both relative and absolute humidity. With this information in hand, they are able to make the diagnoses that lead to the right solutions to damp problems. 

Many surveyors will therefore measure damp as part of their RICS survey on mould and damp and timber matters affecting an English heritage house.

Differentiating Absolute and Relative Humidity

Distinguishing between absolute and relative humidity is required. 

While relative humidity expresses how much moisture is in the air compared to the amount it could hold at that temperature (and therefore changes with temperature), absolute humidity is unaffected by temperature. The latter simply expresses how much moisture is in the air, regardless of conditions. 

Understanding the difference between these two conditions is important for building moisture in technical profiles necessary for determining the right interventions.

Applying BS 5250 Standards in Damp Assessment

The key BS 5250 moisture standards check for dampness in structures. They are the first stop in assessing a moisture problem and following these standards helps maintain structural integrity. 

Tools like FLIR Thermal Imaging Cameras and onsite chemical carbide tests are also helpful and they conform to BS 5250 standards well. These tools are great for finding damp areas and understanding moisture movement within a building.

By using precise tools and following BS 5250 standards, professionals can tackle the root cause of dampness.

The Health and Structural Risks of Untreated Damp in Properties

Untreated damp can be a nightmare for any property, leading to both health and structural problems. If not handled correctly, it might result in damage that is expensive to repair, which is why homeowners and those looking to buy a new home need to know about these risks.

Health Risks Associated with Damp Environments

Damp places can make health problems like asthma worse, or even cause new issues. People with lung conditions may find their symptoms getting worse in such environments, including allergic reactions.

Understanding the Structural Damage Caused by Damp

Damp doesn't just look unsightly; it can harm the building fabric. Construction materials like plaster, timber, and stone can become permanently damaged if damp isn't fixed quickly enough, which may also result in compromising building safety and lowering its market value.

Addressing damp issues quickly is prudent for both property owners and potential buyers. Acting fast can limit health and building risks, preserving property safety and value.

Conclusion by RICS Damp Surveyor London Team

In our discussions regarding expert surveyor analysis for London properties, we see how necessary it is to select the correct methodology.

Dampness can reduce a property's value by as much as half and London has a plethora of damp-affected properties.

Often, what seems like rising damp turns out to be condensation due to poor air flow and a lack of ventilation. This is why the advice on appropriate measures from a CIOB, RPSA or RICS damp surveyor will save money by avoiding costly and unnecessary damp treatments. 

Their detailed surveys may include the use of thermal imaging and onsite damp meter tests, offering an accurate understanding of the damp issue.

The cost of labour and materials isn't as significant as the cost of wrong treatments from incorrect diagnosis. Correct analysis and choosing the right solutions can prevent large, unnecessary expenditure for homeowners in London. 

Our panel of surveyors provides independent advice that challenges common beliefs. Their unbiased opinions are important in a market full of different, often contradictory, advice from contractors.


What is the role of an RICS damp surveyor?

An RICS accredited damp surveyor looks into damp problems in buildings. They find out why damp is occurring. Then, they suggest what to do to fix it, keeping the building safe and people healthy.

What are the common causes of damp in buildings?

Damp in buildings may be caused by condensation build-up, broken gutters, leaking pipes, and rainwater getting in through the roof. Using the wrong materials in old buildings also causes problems (e.g. brick “breathability”).

How can managing building condensation prevent dampness?

To stop dampness, you must manage condensation. Do this by heating and ventilating, which you do by keeping rooms at normal temperatures, maintaining airflow, and controlling moisture from daily tasks by installing mechanical extraction ventilation (MEVs). This stops water vapour collecting and causing damp inside.

What should be done to combat faulty rainwater goods and drainage issues?

Fixing broken gutters and improving drainage will keep water away from the walls. 

Ground levels can also be a source of moisture crossing into the property, so you may need to cut the earth back if it abuts the masonry. 

How does a RICS Damp Surveyor deal with penetrating damp and leaks?

An RICS Damp Surveyor looks at both the outside and inside of the building to find where water is getting in. They use special tools like damp meters to find leaks and describe how to fix them.

Why are breathable materials important in preventing damp in traditional buildings?

Traditional buildings need breathable materials so moisture can move freely. This stops too much moisture from building up and causing dampness.

How does an RICS Damp Surveyor ensure accurate diagnosis of damp issues?

They draw on their knowledge and experience of London property, which they corroborate against their test findings from damp meters and hygrometers.

What is the difference between absolute and relative humidity in damp assessment?

Absolute humidity is the moisture in the air itself. Relative humidity is about how much water air can hold at a certain temperature. 

How does untreated damp affect health and the structure of a property?

Not fixing damp can harm your health, due to the mould it can lead to, causing breathing issues or asthma. It also damages buildings (e.g. timber decay), leading to substantial repair costs.

Why is it important to have a damp survey done by an RICS Damp Surveyor?

A report by a RICS Damp Surveyor preserves the property value, limits damage, and protects your health.