Sample Party Wall Agreement: Free Download & Guidance

In the United Kingdom, a party wall agreement PDF file is a legal requirement for homeowners when construction work.......

In the United Kingdom, a party wall agreement PDF file is a legal requirement for homeowners when construction work is in close proximity to their neighbour, particularly when it affects a shared wall between two homes. The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 provides the legislative framework for their rights and duties. Our guide covers sample party wall agreements, including a free template for download.

A detailed party wall agreement can settle disputes and facilitate construction. Our free template helps you make a legally strong document, but should only be used by your appointed surveyors. We'll show you how to make a sample agreement, including important parts and why a professional surveyor is helpful. 

This is also an excellent video describing what party wall is:

Key Takeaways

  • A sample party wall agreement PDF document is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions for construction work affecting neighbouring properties
  • A free party wall agreement template can be downloaded and used to create an award.
  • The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 requires a minimum of two months' notice before starting works related to a party structure and one month’s notice for excavating nearby or building a wall up to the  legal boundary.
  • Approximately 80% of homeowners involved in party wall agreements report improved relations with neighbours after the agreement.
  • A surveyor may charge between £1,000 to £2,000 for their services on average, but this can be sometimes more than £10,000, depending on the complexity of the survey.
  • More than 90% of homeowners prefer legal help when entering into party wall agreements to follow the Act.

Understanding Party Wall Agreements in the UK

Construction work that involves shared walls between properties needs a party wall award. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the work and makes sure both parties' rights and responsibilities are taken into consideration.

The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 is the statute that guides party wall agreements. It covers the rules for notices, consents, and disputes (this article explains What is a Party Wall Dispute?).

A party wall agreement template Word or a sample party wall agreement can help you understand what might be included in an award. These templates have sections for notices, consents, disputes, and also detail the work to be done and the protective steps to take.

It's important to remember that neighbours have 14 days to reply to a party wall notice. If no consent is given, parties must appoint a surveyor within 10 days.

Some key points to think about when making a party wall agreement PDF include:

  • Notifying adjoining owners at least 1-2 months before construction starts
  • Getting consent or dissent from neighbours within 14 days of the notice
  • Appointing a surveyor to draft a Party Wall Award if there's dissent
  • Making sure the agreement clearly states the work and protective measures

Understanding the legal aspects of a party wall award can helps prevent further disputes. Using our party wall agreement template Word version can help make a detailed and tailored agreement between you and your neighbour which is fair on both sides.

Party Wall Agreement Requirements
Party Wall Agreement Requirements Description
Notice Period At least 1-2 months before construction starts
Response Window 14 days for neighbours to respond to the notice
Surveyor Appointment Within 10 days of no consent being received

The Essential Components of a Party Wall Notice

A party wall notice is key when you plan to do construction work near other properties. It must have the owner's registered name and address, the work site's address, and a clear description of the notifiable works (understand the Different Types of Work for Party Wall). A free party wall agreement template or a party wall agreement template Word document can help you include all the necessary details.To reiterate, some important parts of a party wall notice are:

  • Name and address of the building owner
  • Address of the premises where the work is proposed
  • Description of the proposed works

It's vital to send the notice at least a month or two, depending on what works you are carrying out, before starting the project. The owners next door have 14 days to reply. If they don't, a party wall surveyor must be appointed as required by the Act. Using this sample party wall agreement template can be helpful to your surveyor. 

It's also wise to have an architect or engineer involved early on, as this helps your contractor and surveyor to make sure your project is carried out according to plan. If you are looking to create Land Registry plans with AutoCAD as well, you can have a look at this video for tips:

Download Our Free Sample Party Wall Agreement PDF

We're giving you a free sample party wall agreement template in Word format to help you out. It's detailed and legally compliant, subject to verification by your party wall surveyor, covering all important points. You can download it and tweak it to fit your needs for the party wall surveyors to review.

The template has all the key details like the works’ description, materials, and drawings. It also mentions the notice periods for new and repair works. This is to keep everything clear for all parties to understand.

Template Features and Benefits

Our template is simple to use and understand. It comes in Word for easy editing, which you can print in PDF format. Here are some of its main benefits:

  • Comprehensive and legally binding
  • Easy to customise and edit
  • Available in multiple file formats
  • Covers different projects and their respective notifiable works
  • Includes virtually all necessary clauses and provisions

File Formats Available

Our free party wall agreement template can therefore be produced in two formats:

  • Word (.docx)
  • PDF (.pdf)

How to Access the Template

To get our free sample party wall agreement template, just click the download link below. You can then make it your own. If you need help, feel free to reach out to us.

Template Features
Template Feature Description
Comprehensive and legally binding Includes virtually all necessary clauses and provisions
Easy to customize and edit Available in Word file format
Notice periods Includes notice periods for new building work and repair of existing party walls

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Your Agreement with Surveyors

Surveyors play a key role in completing a party wall agreement PDF. and make sure both sides know their rights and responsibilities under the Act. First, you need to know how to choose surveyors: you can pick one surveyor for both sides or have separate ones, though the former scenario requires consent from both neighbours (here is more information about Party Wall Consent).

A sample party wall agreement can help you see how the party wall dispute can be settled. It outlines the work, start date, and any effects on shared walls or nearby structures. Using a party wall agreement template Word file helps remind your surveyor to include all important details, making the process more efficient and lowering the chance of further disagreements after settlement.

Choosing a party wall surveyor is legally mandatory if your neighbour doesn't agree or doesn't reply to your notice. This surveyor will help solve any problems that arise and so, with the help of experts and a detailed sample party wall agreement, your project can be more successful. Important things to remember when making your agreement with surveyors include: 

  • Make sure the agreement covers all the relevant aspects of your project
  • Know what surveyors can do for you under the Act
  • Appoint a surveyor quickly via us to avoid delays
A brick wall with a sign and a planter

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Template

When using a free party wall agreement template, make sure you avoid common mistakes by having your appointed party wall surveyor complete this for you. Otherwise, it might lead to further delays and disputes. One big error is forgetting to include all needed clauses, which can render the agreement invalid.

Another mistake is not serving the notice or award correctly, as these legal documents require valid service for them to be effective and stand up to scrutiny in court if legal proceedings were to ensue. Do not rush the process!

Legal Pitfalls

Using a bad party wall award template can increase the risk of delays and disputes and might even lead to becoming embroiled in legal action if it is not reviewed by a professional surveyor. The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 says building owners must serve a Party Wall Notice 1-2 months before starting work and the Award must also be properly served.

Documentation Errors

Common mistakes include not serving the notice on time or not addressing it to the correct owner and their respective registered address. It may also not properly inform them of their rights and what the works involve. If a Party Wall Notice or Award is not served properly, work might be paused, causing delays and extra costs.

Timeline Considerations

Not following the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 can make construction take 30%-40% longer. Almost 50% of neighbourly disputes come from bad Party Wall related matters.

To avoid these mistakes, customize a party wall notice template and get professional advice. This ensures your agreement is complete, legal, and follows the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. Some key things to remember when using a sample party wall agreement template include:

  • Allowing enough time for the agreement to be finished
  • Making sure all necessary clauses and provisions are included
  • Serving the notice correctly and on time
  • Getting professional advice from a surveyor or party wall expert

By following these tips and using a well-made free party wall agreement template, building owners can avoid costly delays and disputes to ensure efficient completion of the project.

Common Mistakes and Consequences
Mistake Consequence
Failing to include all necessary clauses and provisions Opening yourself up to further conflict
Not serving the notice correctly Enforcement action (injunction) and/or starting the process over (de novo)
Not allowing sufficient time for the agreement to be completed Costly delays and disputes

Rights and Responsibilities of Both Parties

Understanding the rights and duties of both sides in a sample party wall agreement PDF can be looked at from this UK Government Party Wall Guide. The Party Wall Act covers many construction tasks and these may include building new walls, altering existing ones, and digging near a neighbour’s property. 

A building owner or his professionals can even enter their neighbour’s property under rights of access. Effective communication helps avoid arguments and allows the project to proceed as normal. 

Neighbours can respond in three ways to a Party Wall Notice: agree, disagree, or send a counter-notice. If they don't reply in 14 days, it's seen as a dispute arising. 

It's vital to know the process well and the roles of both owners. Using our free party wall agreement template and getting expert advice can help with this. 

Costs and Timeframes Associated with Party Wall Agreements

Understanding the costs and timeframes of party wall agreements is key for a hassle-free process. Costs include survey fees, engineer fees, etc. A sample party wall agreement template Word format can guide you, but you will still have to pay your surveyor to complete this for you.

The cost for a simple agreement can average between £1,000 and £2,000 per property. For more complex cases, it can go up to £2,000 to £3,000 or even beyond £10,000 if the dispute drags on. Also, the surveyor's fees can be £200 to £400 per hour plus VAT. The entire process between two owners usually take 6-8 hours for a party wall surveyor.

Here are some key points to consider: 

  • Minimum notice period for proposed works is either one or two months.
  • Party Wall surveyor fees may range from £200 to £400 per hour plus VAT.
  • Average cost for a simple party wall agreement varies from £1,000 to £2,000 per adjoining property owner.

A free party wall agreement template can help you understand the process and costs. It's also important to think about the time needed for a surveyor to assess the property and other tasks such as the Schedule of Condition.

Here is a summary of the costs and timeframes associated with party wall agreements:

Cost Ranges
Cost Type Cost Range
Surveyor Hourly Rate £200 to £400 per hour
Notices £300 per adjoining owner
Schedule of Condition £400 to £500 per adjoining property
Party Wall Agreement £1,000 to £2,000 per adjoining owner

By understanding the costs and timeframes of party wall agreements, you can navigate the process better and avoid excessive costs. For further information, see Party Wall Surveyor Cost Analysis: How much does a Party Wall Agreement Cost?

When to Seek Professional Assistance

Knowing when to ask for help with party wall agreements is important. If you can't agree on the terms or if matters get complicated, you might need a party wall surveyor or legal advice, which is usually the case. A free party wall agreement template is a good start, but it must be completed by your surveyor and customised according to the project, taking into account the following:

  • Neighbours disagreeing on the agreement terms
  • Complex construction issues like excavation or foundation work
  • Costs relating to fees and compensation for damage

Getting professional help for your party wall agreement is a legal requirement under the Act, as you are obliged to appoint a surveyor when a dispute arises. See Top 5 Things About Your Party Wall Agreements You Need to Know Before Renovating.

Conclusion: Sample Party Wall Agreement Download & Customisation

The secret to a good party wall agreement is preparation and detail. Whether you're planning renovations or are a neighbour, knowing the legal aspects are critical. This includes understanding the free party wall agreement template Word file and its rules, which need to be interpreted by your surveyor.

Get to know the parts of a party wall notice and use the right template by following this step-by-step guide to feel confident. Getting help from surveyors can also prevent further disputes arising and preserve neighbourly relations.

Download our free party wall agreement template Word file here: Award sample


What is a party wall agreement?

A party wall agreement is a legal document which outlines the rights and duties of neighbours when working on a shared wall. It's required for anyone planning to do building work that affects a party wall or any other neighbouring structure.

When do I need a party wall agreement?

You need one if you're doing work on a shared wall and this includes building a new wall, excavating near a neighbour, cutting into a party wall, or underpinning a shared wall. Always check with your surveyor about the Act and local laws to make sure you follow them.

What are the key components of a party wall notice?

A party wall notice must have certain details including the work's nature and location, when it starts, and the owner's registered name and address. Including all this information helps avoid delays and disputes by rendering the notice as valid.

What are the benefits of using a free party wall agreement template?

A free template can help ensure your agreement is complete and legal, as well as saving time and money compared to making one from scratch, although your party wall surveyor will usually want to use their own template.

How do I complete a party wall agreement PDF with surveyors?

First, appoint a surveyor. Next, try to obtain consent from all adjoining owners when serving notices via your surveyor. After the Schedule of Condition has been carried out, negotiate the terms of agreement under the Award. Always follow the right steps and seek professional help where required.

What are the most common mistakes to avoid when using a party wall agreement template?

Avoid legal pitfalls such as document drafting errors and ignoring the work timeframes. Carefully check the template to meet legal standards and your needs with your appointed surveyor.

What are the rights and responsibilities of both parties in a party wall agreement?

Both parties have rights and duties under the Act and they may include the right to enter the other's property to carry out necessary works, pay for any damage caused by the works, limit disruption, etc. 

How much does a party wall agreement cost, and what is the typical timeline?

Costs and timelines vary and they depend on the work's complexity and party cooperation. As a building owner, you can expect to pay an estimated £1,000-2,000 per surveyor for their work on an award between two owners. This can increase by, say, £1,000 per additional owner. The timeline can be weeks to months and costs can increase drastically if delays occur or the project becomes complicated such as by damage occurring.

When should I seek professional assistance with a party wall agreement?

As soon as you receive planning permission, as you will need to serve notice, which should be done by your surveyor. Professional guidance will be sought more when dealing with complex works, disputes, or damages. Appoint a surveyor or get legal advice to guide you through the process by getting in touch with our Admin Team.